
Harmonic Major Ideas Inspired by Randy Vincent (eBook Version, with bonuses)

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Harmonic Major Ideas Inspired by Randy Vincent (eBook Version, with bonuses)


This is an eBook that collects 80 lines that I wrote while studying concepts I learned from Randy Vincent's book, Major is Harmonic (Sher Music).

These lines are all original lines I wrote inspired by the concepts he taught in the book.

I originally published these on my social media, and then put them together as a free download here:

Then, I made an updated version with the original text from my social media posts and turned it into this eBook version.


In this paid version, you will also receive two bonus videos:

BONUS 1: How to Learn & Practice Jazz Licks
A recording of a 56 minute Facebook Live session on Nov 22, 2020 with Az Samad & Malaysian jazz saxophonist Julian Chan.

BONUS 2: Effective Lick Practice Tips
An excerpt from a video recording I made during my time in France. This is a short 1-minute video but has some of the most concise and effective tips I can share with any of students.


IMPORTANT (for guitarists):
Everything is notated in standard notation, with NO TABLATURE. If you are not comfortable reading standard notation, please DO NOT purchase this product.

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